We would like to invite you to become a conference sponsor and to increase your company's visibility to the scientific institutions and individual research groups across Europe and beyond.
Plant Chromosome Biology meetings bring together the community of researchers and students working in the field of cytogenomics and cytogenetics. In 2025, in Vienna, we are expecting over 100 international participants. This offers an excellent opportunity to present your company's products and latest innovations.
Suggested sponsorship opportunities:
Golden Sponsorship – €2.000
- 15-minute time slot for a promotional talk in the conference program
- One complementary registration
- Trade display position at the conference venue (3m2)
- Prominent display of your logo on the conference website
- Inclusion of your logo in the conference program
- Inclusion of your logo in the conference proceedings
- Verbal acknowledgement at the conference opening and closing
Silver Sponsorship – €1.000
- One complementary registration
- Trade display position at the conference venue (2m2)
- Prominent display of your logo on the conference website
- Inclusion of your logo in the conference program
- Inclusion of your logo in the conference proceedings
- Verbal acknowledgement at the conference opening and closing
Bronze Sponsorship – €500
- Prominent display of your logo on the conference website
- Inclusion of your logo in the conference program
- Inclusion of your logo in the conference proceedings
- Verbal acknowledgement at the conference opening and closing
We are looking forward to partner with you!
For more information, please feel free to contact us via email: chromosomebio2025.botanik@univie.ac.at