The registration and abstract submission is open:

1st of March - 15th of July 2025


First come, first served: The maximum number of participants is 100. Persons registering after the limit is reached will be added to the waiting list.

To register: click "to register click here" and create new account (use your email and set up a password for the event)

Registration fees

  • Regular: 310 Euro
  • Bachelor, Master and PhD Students: 250 Euro (confirmation of student status will be requested during the registration)

 Registration fee includes:

  • participation in all presentations (from 9:00 on Monday, the 15th of September, to 13:00 on Wednesday, 17th of September 2025)
  • conference material (digital programme and abstract book will be available for download)
  • lunches (Monday and Tuesday)
  • all coffee breaks (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
  • poster sessions (Monday and Tuesday)
  • guided tour in the Natural History Museum on Tuesday afternoon – please indicate if you wish to participate
  • conference dinner at Heuringer Gigerl on Tuesday evening please indicate if you wish to participate

Payment: credit card only. Should you be unable to pay with a credit card, contact us to inquire about the possibility of bank transfer payment.

Cancellation policy and refunds: Cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Event Management of the University of Vienna (email:

  • 100% refund: until 30.04.2025
  • 50% refund: until 14.07.2025
  • 0% refund: after 15.07.2025 (registration closes)


Abstract submission

  • After the registration is completed and the payment is in progress, each participant will receive an email confirming the registration and the link to the abstract submission. NOTE: To receive all correspondence, please check your SPAM or JUNK email folders and add to your address book.

  • Each participant can submit one abstract as a presenting author, but they can also be co-author of other abstracts.
  • Abstract length: max. 200 words (excluding the title, list of authors and their affiliations)

Types of submission:

Please indicate whether you wish to present a poster or whether you wish your abstract to be considered for a short talk. Talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts by the organizing committee, and all participants will be notified by 20.08.2025 about the final type of presentation.

Poster presentation

  • Maximum poster size: A0 high format (h: 118.9 cm; w: 84.1 cm)
  • Mounting material will be provided. Each poster presenter can introduce the topic in a 1 min flash talk.